Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spoke at GANG

I finally gave my talk at GANG.  I was originally scheduled to speak in September (Speaking at GANG), but came down with food poisoning which prevented me from talking.  That same talk, an Introduction to Rhino Mocks, was made last month in February.


I really enjoyed giving the talk.  The crowd was great, and overall I had a good time.  I hope others enjoyed the talk and were able to learn about how Rhino Mocks may come in handy with their software testing needs.


At the end of the talk I said I would post my example application online.  I have decided to place the file on savefile.com.  You will have to put up with an ad in order to download the file.  Download the sample here.


In the near future, I plan to post in detail about some parts of the application application.  If readers would like an explanation of any piece in particular, please leave a comment on this post.

1 comment:

Microsoft SharePoint Portal Development said...

Nice Post! Really very useful one. Thanks for sharing.

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