Saturday, December 8, 2007

Solution Folders To Group Projects

While reading Scott Guthrie's blog today I stumbled upon one of his links of the day for december 8th entitled Big Solutions Can Be Organized Using Solution Folders which is at the .NET Tip of the Day web site.

Actually, this is really cool. Am I the only schmuck who didn't realize this was possible? I have used Solution Folders in the past, but it was always to group files which were not part of the actual build process. For example we always had a Libraries folder which contained the third party dlls which need to be referenced to build the project. This way all a developer needs to do to build the project is to download the latest source code, and the solution will automatically download the needed referenced assemblies. Plus any upgrade we do to a third party dll automatically propagates when someone gets latest.

But the ability to place projects within the folders to group them together? This will actually be very handy for us. At work our current solution has 33 projects, and truthfully it is growing! Being able to group the projects which are similar or somehow related will really come in handy for us.

Why didn't I realize this sooner?

--John Chapman

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